Thursday, January 19, 2006

ARE YOU HAVING AN EMOTIONAL AFFAIR? Emotional affairs, unlike their physical affair counterparts, involve no touching or kissing. Rather, an emotional affair is when you share an emotional connection with someone who is not your partner. Emotional affairs are common in the workplace, and more times than not, you may not even be aware that you are in one. With that in mind, Marie Claire offers the following checklist to see if you are engaged in an emotional affair:

· Do you pay special attention to how you look before you see your "platonic" friend?
· Do you think crush-like thoughts, such as, "He'd love this outfit"?
· Do you touch him in "legal" ways, like picking lint off his blazer?
· Have you developed "mentionitis," where you're tempted to insert his name into every third sentence?
· Do you play down how much time you spend with your "platonic" friend when you're talking to your partner?
· Would you be uncomfortable if your partner saw a videotape of the time you spend with this person?
· Do the two of you trade horror stories about your current partners?

If you answered "yes" to more than half of these questions, you're probably having an emotional affair.

According to a study by Ohio State University: A person who
marries -- and stays married -- accumulates twice as much
wealth as a person who is divorced. By the way, the best
definition I ever saw for "alimony": Alimony is like buying
oats for a dead horse.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch has announced the winners of its 9th annual
"Wacky Warning Label Contest" which tracks absurd warnings that are only
placed on consumer products to avoid lawsuits.

This year's dumbest
warning labels ....

5. On a baking pan: "Ovenware will get hot when used in oven."

4. On a bottle of dried bobcat urine made to keep rodents & pests away
from garden plants - "Not for human consumption."

3. On a cocktail napkin with a map of the waterways around Hilton Head
SC - "Caution: Not to be used for navigation."

2. On a kitchen knife - "Never try to catch a falling knife."

1. On a heat gun/paint remover that produces temperatures up to 1,000
degrees - "Do not use this tool as a hair dryer."


Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Upcoming Trends For Men

According to advertising executive Marian Salzman who wrote “The Future of Men” here are some things men can expect in coming years

Ubersexuals: men who embrace traditional masculinity without acting like cavemen

In the future men will get married two to three times. We are moving into a world where serial monogamy is becoming more acceptable and there will be less of a stigma for having had a first marriage that failed.

A re-emergence of guys’ nights out. Men are craving male places. In the past there were many clubs for only men where men could just be men and they didn’t have to apologize to women.

More men in their 30s and 40s will turn to moisturizers, hair thickeners, plastic surgery, collagen and botox.

Men will work for a woman.


Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sally and David thought they were starting their marriage with a perfect game plan. A prenuptial agreement that included things like:

-mandatory backrubs
-a $5 fee for nagging
-David letting Sally sleep in on her days off
-David had to pay $5 each time he complained, nagged or made "a fuss about Sally's expenditures ..." (There's no word on how much cash Sally banked from that part of the agreement.)

Are you noticing how much he has to give to this...yeah he noticed too...the couple is divorcing.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I decided for 2006 that it was time to get back in shape. But not just any kind of shape...but superhuman kind of shape. So with a plan in hand and my Trail and Aquatic Center Pass in hand...I went to the gym to start the transformation.

20 pounds to lose in 4 months.

I'll keep you updated here with this great adventure.

Lesson one. The second day after your first workout in 9 months hurts way more than the first day. Holy arms don't bend anymore!

What do you mean ease into it...
