ARE YOU HAVING AN EMOTIONAL AFFAIR? Emotional affairs, unlike their physical affair counterparts, involve no touching or kissing. Rather, an emotional affair is when you share an emotional connection with someone who is not your partner. Emotional affairs are common in the workplace, and more times than not, you may not even be aware that you are in one. With that in mind, Marie Claire offers the following checklist to see if you are engaged in an emotional affair:
· Do you pay special attention to how you look before you see your "platonic" friend?
· Do you think crush-like thoughts, such as, "He'd love this outfit"?
· Do you touch him in "legal" ways, like picking lint off his blazer?
· Have you developed "mentionitis," where you're tempted to insert his name into every third sentence?
· Do you play down how much time you spend with your "platonic" friend when you're talking to your partner?
· Would you be uncomfortable if your partner saw a videotape of the time you spend with this person?
· Do the two of you trade horror stories about your current partners?
If you answered "yes" to more than half of these questions, you're probably having an emotional affair.