I think this song sums up Christmas Spirit.
Thanks to Chris Kuchar for reminding me of this wonderful xmas song...
Stop Giving Me Crap For Christmas
Wayne & Jayne bring their radio show to a blog. Chances are we will use your comments on our radio show. Jayne is off on Maternity for 2007.
I think this song sums up Christmas Spirit.
This story made me laugh this morning!
Men sure have it easy at Christmas. No really...we do. We have to buy a gift for our wives, that's basically it. I'm watching my wife get ready for this fun holiday and I wonder how women survive it. Christmas cards, meal planning, stocking stuffers (you know a guy never created those), and gifts for people I don't even know. I'm thinking that's where the "Bailys in the coffee" tradition started. Mom's needing it just to survive another day during the xmas season. Ho ho ho
Rod Stewart recently came out with his words of wisdom about the right age for marriage. He said quote,
How To Install a Poor-man's Security System: Go to a second-hand store,
In a parody of it's richest people lists, Forbes magazine compiled a list of the wealthiest fictional characters. Here is the Forbes "Fictional 15".
For my 16th birthday, I'm sure I received a record or a shirt. Now look at what this kid got for their party!