Thursday, June 01, 2006

10 Things a Man Should Never Do
(Men's Health.Com)

1. Wear low-rise jeans. These are only for Male Models and chicks.

2. Mess with another man's automobile. We don't care if he stole your wife, your job, and your dog. It's blasphemy.

3. Send an angry e-mail. Have the spine to pick up the phone.

4. Snoop through her e-mail, closets, or medicine chest. There's probably nothing there you need to worry about. But rest assured, you'll find something you don't want to see.

5. Forget an undershirt. Go ahead, let 'em see you sweat. Just don't let 'em see sweat creeping out from your underarms.

6. Four words: inner-thigh adductor machine. It might be a tough-to-reach muscle group, but there's never been a better way to strain your self-esteem.

7. Talk politics or religion with new friends. And if you consider sports one of the two, leave that off the table as well.

8. Do it yourself plumbing. You think it looks easy. Then your house falls down. Water, like Hulk Hogan's wife, is not to be flirted with.

9. Hang anything your cell phone, wallet or your keys on your belt.

10. Go tanning. Forget skin cancer. Being trapped between heating elements is for cheese.


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